Arbitrul Coltescu - Rasist sau doar prost?

     Lucrurile ar fi putut judecate cu dovezi. Din pacate nu s-a procedat asa. Si tocmai francezii imbecili s-au oparit, ei care ne-au jignit cu multiple ocazii, de la insultele aruncate la diverse meciuri sau jegul facut intr-o emisiune tv in care un mascarici cu fusta tiganeasca a zis ca salutul romanesc e o formula de cersit pana la voma in care s-au scaldat cei de la CharlieHebdo cand au jignit-o pe Simona Halep cu acea caricatura de joasa speta pe care o puteti vedea in articolul precedent. 

     Cand spun ca lucrurile puteau fi judecate cu dovezi, vorbesc extrem de serios pentru ca filmarea arata foarte clar doua lucruri. In primul rand filmarea arata clar ca prostovanul de Coltescu a spus "negru" si nu vreun cuvant realmente jignitor la adresa persoanelor de culoare. In zgomotul meciului, fara sa mai astepte explicatii, ei au auzit "negro" si au luat foc. N-as vrea sa credeti ca am o placere sa stereotipizez dar puteti urmari si singuri atitudinea jucatorilor de culoare in special a celui vizat care era de-a dreptul isteric. In al doilea rand tot pe filmare se aude pe imaginile in care jucatorul de culoare il ia la rost pe Coltescu ca acesta in suficient de scurt timp a INTELES CLAR ca termenul folosit era negru, pentru ca-i reproseaza de cateva ori "de ce a trebuit sa te adresezi cu negrul acela? eu iti spun albul acela?" Apai hai sa schimbam naibii si hastagul #blacklivesmatter ca e cu black. 

     A intentionat sau a fost Coltescu rasist? Exista oarecum, ca in domeniul juridic, o indoiala rezonabila pentru ca, la o adica, ar fi trebuit sa-l stie dupa nume, sa-l identifice cu totul altfel si mai ales sa nu repete de trei ori "negru". Totusi, stiindu-i pe romani si judecand natura sportului care aduna jucatori de toate nationalitatile, eu ma indoiesc ca individu e rasist. E doar dobitoc. 

     Povestea e de-a dreptul penibila dintr-un considerent care mi-e greu sa-l inteleg. Bine, au fost ofuscati dar cel care a folosit cuvantul in cauza nu era jucator al echipei adverse. Era un arbitru. Ce e isteria aia de muiere sa pleci de pe teren sa refuzi sa mai joci? Nu mai zic de ipocrizia abjecta fix a francezilor care jignesc in dreapta si-n stanga, poate au uitat halul in care o publicatie l-a jignit si pe Mahomed si pe Papa si pe Iisus, si ipocrizia si mai abjecta a turcilor care n-au din Europa cea mai buna atitudine in ce priveste drepturile omului. 

     In rest realitatea e ca acest tavalug al corectitudinii politice cum au numit-o americanii incepe sa faca ravagii din ce in ce mai mari, multiple ONG-uri, tari, politicieni si indivizi folosind-o ca pe o adevarata arma. 

     Am ajuns ca insasi proprietarii drepturilor de autor sa schimbe denumirea cartii 10 negrii mititei, astia de pe la Hollywood si altii asemenea sa bage prin toate filmele persoane si povesti LGBT, sa o faca pe sirena Ariel neagra, sa ceara ca Anne Boleyn sa fie jucata si aia de o negresa, ce mai conteaza ca Boleyn e un personaj istoric de rasa bine documentata, sa ne spuna ca urmatorul James Bond va fi o femeie si sa blameze un ditamai regizorul de film ca n-a prea vazut el cum o persoana trans ar putea personifica-o pe Julieta. Deja o sumedenie de imbecili dintre persoanele de culoare nu mai vor sa le spui nici macar negru iar pe la noi unii dintre tigani se simt de ceva ani ofensati si vor sa fie rromi. Si lucrurile o vor lua cu siguranta si mai razna. 

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  • Romanian referee - racist or plain dumb?

         I've heard the way the referee pointed out the black guy in question. He said, in romanian, "that black guy there". Unfortunately our word for everything black and mainly anything with that color (paint, hair, clothes etc) is "negru" We could also all hear the other party involved clearly hearing something else. Coltescu clearly used the word "negru" but the first thing the others heard was "n e g r o" and that set everything on fire. But let's point out some very important things and facts that put all this under a different perspective.
    1. FACT - The romanian referee DID repeat the words he used to point to the guy in question three times. Although "negru" means "black" and NOT a racist n-word, we can have a reasonable doubt that Coltescu might be a bit racist. After all, gypsies, who have a darker skin tone are the "cause" for a pretty widespread xenophobia in Romania.
    2. FACT - Romania was NOT one of the countries that had black slaves. We were never taught to consider other races inferior. We can't say the same for the US, UK or France though and certainly we all know the degree of xenophobia generated by Germans against Jews which ended with crimes against humanity. 
    3. FACT - How about the shit promoted in French media against Romanians? "What is the Romanian salute? S'il vous plait monsieur!" How about the shit #CharlieHebdo did against Simona Halep? "„Une roumaine remporte Roland Garros Feraille! Feraille" Erdogan has the nerve to speak out against something that most certainly was NOT blatant racism when his country oppressed us for decades and decades and even now they don't have the best attitude concerning human rights?
    4. FACT - Westerners are so educated and knowledgeable that they ignore any fact whatsoever and consider us all gypsies just because they had a run-in with what we have to face all the time with them in our borders. They screamed for years at us about discriminating the gypsies but when citizens could roam free and they came to see first hand what the gypsies are capable of, they put their ugly masks on as quick as lightning.
    Our dictionary and the very nature of football, which implies lately a wide range of nationalities among players from all teams, makes me say with a big degree of certainty this is not a case of racism. It's as usual lack of education, especially in the context of the immense #politicalcorrectness growth. HOWEVER
    5. FACT - The black guy who was "offended" kept attacking the referee complaining CLEARLY about the use of "that black guy". So pretty quickly he UNDERSTOOD the word was NOT "n e g r o" This surely points out a very disturbing trend among people of color. They suddenly dislike the word "black" too. One sole argument - why don't they turn against the #blacklivesmatter movement's name too? Some are just pretending to be called #afroamerican Ok, fine, what if the person is born in France though? Should we call them #afrofrench?
    Seriously, the political correctness crap is getting out of hand:
    - IT chapter2 features a completely UNNECESSARY opening with a gay couple being assaulted by some young men at the fair then one of the guys killed by the clown
    - apparently Ariel the mermaid has to be black
    - they couldn't stand the name of that old book with the n-word in it's title. The owners of the book rights themselves changed the name
    - now they want agent 007 to be a woman. Maybe black too. And lesbian. Vegan too???
    - they want Anne Boleyn played by a black woman. Boleyn was a very well historic figure and was white. There's nothing racist about it, just a damn fact
    - they got upset over the fact a movie director thought casting a trans person as Juliette was not really appropriate because of simple innocence nuances the character must posses
    - Marvel is trying their best to introduce us to clear lesbian superheroes and for now to innuendos about the gay ones
    - gender identity is slowly turning in some sort of obsession and some who made it into a whole gender-ideology are trying to teach it from kindergarten.
         THIS is NOT the right way to fight against discrimination. Pushing people's faces abruptly and violently in things in a propagandistic kinda way is the WRONG approach. Just like demanding public services and now even some private ones to have persons from any kind of minority hired even if they might be less qualified than someone more fitting, just because the one more qualified isn't black, gay, Hispanic or whatever.
         Various occult interests have UNDOUBTEDLY turned #politicalcorrectness into a WEAPON and it's creating a LOT of real violence because people most times do need to be forced to learn the right way but they can't feel like they're being turned into vicious criminals.
         Is Coltescu a racist referee? In a logical opinion, absolutely not. Is he a dumbass that should have learned how to properly address people of color or other ethnic origins when he's on the job? Yea, he's clearly a dumbass.
         BUT: The other team leaving the field was nothing else but a hysteric way of handling things. It was a referee, not a member of the other team. Also, let's seriously NOT accept human rights lessons from the French or Turks.

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  • The perfume bottle matters!

         Ok so it seems some #perfumers or #perfume brands to be more exact have the distinct but shitty impression that if they say simplicity is the most effective, they should blindly apply it to perfume bottles design. The most shitty thing about this trend is the c h e a p, crappy and annoying reinterpretations of the CHANEL bottle. Yves Rocher joined in on the trend remaking lots of their perfume bottles like that. Even Novellista, which is, from what I understand, a new brand, made it's bottles very similar to YvesRocher ones.

         Let's see which brands also feel the need to treat their bottles like sheep. Well there's Dolce & Gabbana with "The One" or Karl Lagerfeld who probably thought he would get away with it by adding some kinda ring at the base of the cap and so on. Plus all the tons of bottles that are whichever type of tall or short brick just with all sorta different caps.
         It's all starting to be really...really annoying. Perfume bottles matter. The perfume itself really needs to be "worn" on a visible bookshelf or near a boudoir mirror and it needs to look spicy, sexy, intriguing.
    Just a few examples of bottles that incite are Le Male or Le Beau from Jean Paul Gaultier or Mugler's Alien. If you want somethin simple but making a statement get inspired by Dior's Fahrenheit
         Another well known brand which chose simplicity without being dull is TOM FORD who's perfume bottles are reinterpretations of the old pharmacy bottles. You can always strip the brand name and perfume name off a Fahrenheit or a Tom Ford perfume and people will easily recognise it. But if you have a clean bottle of Yves Rocher and a Novellista you will definitely get confused.
         Which other perfume bottles do you think have become easily recognizable over time? Drop a comment below.

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